Symptoms of Tonsil Cancer

The first signs of thyroid cancer is often a sore throat and pain radiating to the ear of tonsil cancer. Mouth sores that do not heal well may be symptoms of thyroid cancer.

Other possible symptoms of tonsil cancer include:

    * Bleeding
* Difficulty chewing
    * Difficulty speaking
* Difficulty swallowing
    * Local pain (often radiating to the ear)
    * Problems with facial movements, eye and jaw
* Swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

Tonsil Cancer Treatment

Tonsil cancer treatment depends on tumor size and what stage of cancer development has been reached. The usual treatment for thyroid cancer treatment include the following combinations:

* Chemotherapy:
Chemotherapy, using drugs (either as pills or injections) to kill cancer cells, thyroid cancer can help shrink tumors before surgery. Tonsil cancer chemotherapy usually employs two drugs: 5-flurouracil and cisplatin. Taken in combination, the two drugs produced better results than drugs used independently. Chemotherapy not usually used alone when treating thyroid cancer. Research shows, however, that the combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy help treat advanced cancer of the tonsils by reducing the symptoms of this condition.
    * Radiotherapy: Radiotherapy using radioactive waves to kill cancer cells. The growth of small cancers can be successfully treated with radiation alone. The larger, more advanced cancer of the tonsils may require radiotherapy to shrink the tumor before surgery, followed by postoperative radiotherapy to kill cancer cells remaining.
* Surgery:
Surgical removal of thyroid cancer eliminates the throat area containing the tumor. While small tonsil cancer tumors can be removed during surgery the day with local anesthesia, a larger tumor usually requires a hospital stay. The larger the tumor, a cancerous tonsil surgery is more complicated. Once the procedure has been performed, recovery may require rebuilding sections of the soft palate and / or tongue may be required. Speech may be affected by thyroid cancer surgery. While this is often temporary side effects can be permanent changes in speech.

Success rates for tonsil cancer cure varies. About 50 percent of patients survive at least five years after diagnosis with appropriate treatment. After treatment, it is necessary to look back tonsil cancer symptoms: The signs of tonsil cancer in 25 percent of patients recur.

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