How Do You Know If You Have Lung Cancer

One in every 13 men and every word in 16 women projected lung cancer to develop. Com It usually after age 45 to die of American Cancer Society bracelet. Lung treat his word, and that if caught early stadiums, right word cure. However, three out of five people with this disease are diagnosed within a year
This is what special tests right word Beginning lung cancer doctors to identify.
1. Diagnostic Imaging - X-rays including ultrasound, MRI, CT scan of the pre-scan.
2. Sputum - phlegm in the Lungs examined for cancer cells
3. Blood tests - Blood and for the number of dying later certain chemicals and hormones in your body is controlled.
4. Biopsie - To patient j as lung, a word biopsie done. A piece of tissue removed on word of your body and examined under a microscope. A biopsie identify SAA as a dying cancer cells and key and will show how to die quickly developed cancer.
Here are five sure shot way to die later of cancer to reduce long.
1. Now Quit Smoking: Smoking causes 87% of all lung smoking and a pair of important benefits to avoid lung cancer. J If a smoker is a stop and now j considered too difficult as it is to get help but please stop smoking.

2. Fruits and vegetables: Do your diet includes mostly fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, and flavonoids help protect DNA from dying and dying cells repair damaged cells.

3. Your Home for Radon testing GET: Radon is a breakdown product of uranium. Radon is an inert gas and Not Seen right word, taste, smell of trials. As more and more houses GET Building uranium deposits of Land in die course necessary to avoid it for your house radon tested flat. Radon is a strong risk factor for cancer.

4. Workplace exposure: Are j exposed work with what is a must. Petrol, diesel exhaust, arsenic, beryllium. Vinyl chloride, nickel chromates, coal products, mustard gas en chloromethyl ethers all carcinogens found right word in a work environment. Smoke, dust and chemicals are all too often die work with you and talk about dying employers reduce exposure to harmful substances.

5. Passive smoking: secondhand smoke smoking effect that a smoker from smoking a cigar lit cigarettes. It contains over 60 carcinogens disrupt normal growth and leading to death following lung.

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