What Does Throat Cancer Look Like

Other names for throat cancer: cancer of the vocal cords, larynx cancer, cancer of the glottis, or throat cancer. The risk of developing laryngeal cancer increases if you are a regular user of alcohol, cigarettes and chewing tobacco. Throat is a cancer of the tonsils, vocal cords, larynx (voice box) and at the base of the tongue.

The earlier throat cancer is diagnosed, the improved the prospect of recovery. The symptoms of throat cancer are often confused with less serious conditions. Listed below are some common symptoms you can notice:

  • A hoarseness or other unusual changes in the voice
  • A lump on the lip, in the mouth, or in the throat
  • A sore on the lip or inside the mouth that does not heal for weeks
  • A white or red patch on the gums, tongue, or the lining in the mouth
  • Unexplained pain, bleeding, or numbness inside the mouth
  • A sore throat that persist even with antibiotics
  • Experiencing pain or difficulty in chewing or swallowing
  • Pain or swelling of the jaw
  • A persistent cough
  • Cough up blood
  • Pain or swelling of the neck
  • A continual earache
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Abnormal (high-pitched) breathing sounds
If you experience any of the above throat cancer symptoms it is advised that you see your healthcare provider for a more thorough check so the proper diagnose and treatment can be apply.

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