Small Intestine Cancer Symptoms

Small intestine, or bowel, lies between the stomach and colon. The small intestine is about 6 m (20 feet) in length. Its main function is to digest and absorb nutrients. The small intestine makes more than 70% of the length and 90% of the surface area of ​​the gastrointestinal (GI).
Small intestine, or bowel, is essential for the absorption and digestion. Whatever was wrong with the small intestine can be perceived by the various body systems. Small bowel neoplasms, or tumors of the small intestine, is the abnormal growth of newly discovered small intestine. Caused with abnormal growth rates, they can either come from the small intestine and spreads through the body's organs or other adults who are more likely representative versa. While to obtain the condition, some children may suffer from it. 
The cause is unknown, and no one in particular that we can do to prevent it, but know how to recognize symptoms of intestinal tumors will help fast and quick treatment to avoid serious complications.

The instructions below may be able to prevent cancer and small intestine.
          * 1. Consider one of the first signs that something was wrong with the body, and gastrointestinal tract in particular; constipation.
          * 2. Be careful for any new development or a sudden when you or others feel chronic fatigue or tiredness, and may or may not be pale in color.
          * 3. Look at your stools. Are they normal in color or black and they were looking for? Black and colored dirt looking for is a big indication that all is not right with the intestinal tract and should be discussed with the family doctor.
          * 4. Get on the scale. Are you experiencing weight loss sudden and unexplained?
          * 5. Watch for signs of nausea that may or may not develop into vomiting.
* 6. Be especially vigilant in watching for signs of jaundice. It will be apparent to those with yellow skin and eyes.

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