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Stage Three Lung Cancer
Posted on 8/02/2011 by ridoscoot
stage 3 NSCLC is a broad category of cancer has been divided into stage 3A and 3B stage. stage 3A is considered as "locally advanced" cancer, meaning that the tumor has not spread to distant areas of the body but has spread to lymph nodes on the same side of the body as a tumor. Stage 3B cancer is considered advanced, with stage 4, and although it is generally not curable but treatable.
About 30% of people have stage 3 cancer at diagnosis, while the remaining 30% of individuals diagnosed at an early stage (stage 1 or stage 2 disease) and 40% had already done for 4 (metastatic) stage cancer from the time diagnosis.
Definition of Cancer Stage 3
stage 3 cancer is best described by separating the stages in the stage of stage 3A and 3B.
Stage 3A cancer, including tumors are large and have spread to nearby lymph nodes or tumor of any size that has spread to lymph nodes far away but still the same side of the body as the cancer.
Stage 3B cancer is defined as a tumor of any size that has spread to distant lymph nodes that have invaded other structures in the chest (such as heart or esophageal tumors in malignant pleural effusion. (Fluid build-up to build with cancer between the layers around s) that changes from stage 3B and stage 4 in 2009.
Oncologists use the TNM system to further determine the stage of cancer. A simplified description of the TNM system include:
T refers to tumor size:
T1 - Tumor is less than 3 cm (1 ½ inches) wide.
T2 tumors larger than 3 cm.
T3 - The tumor can be any size, but close to the air duct or has spread to local areas such as chest wall or diaphragm.
T4 - Tumor size, but in the airway or invade local structures like the heart, or esophagus.
N refers to lymph nodes:
N0 - no nodes are affected.
N1 - the cancer has spread to the nearest node on the same side of the body.
N2 - The tumor has spread to more distant nodes, but on the same side of the body.
N3 - The cancer cells are present in the lymph nodes on the other side of the chest tumor, or near the node collarbone or neck muscles.
M stands for metastatic disease:
M0 - no metastases are present.
M1 - The tumor has spread (metastasized) to other areas of the body or other .
Using the TNM system, stage 3A cancer as described:
T1N2M0 - Tumors less than 3 cm and has spread to distant lymph nodes, but on the same side of the body such as tumors.
T2N2M0 - Tumors larger than 3 centimeters and has spread to distant lymph nodes, but on the same side of the body.
T3N1M0 - Tumor size, but close the airway or local spread to areas like the chest wall or diaphragm, and nearby lymph nodes are affected.
T3N2M0 - Tumor size, but close the airway or local spread to areas like the chest wall or diaphragm, and lymph nodes far away, but on the same side of the body is affected.
Using the TNM system, stage 3B described as:
Any T, N3, M0 - A tumor of any size to lymph nodes on the other side of the breast tumor or nodes near the collarbone or neck muscles, but has not spread to distant areas of the body.
T4, any N, M0 - A tumor of any size, located in the airways, or have invaded local structures, such as heart or esophagus. Nodes may or may not be involved, and when it might be taken around the tumor or further away in the chest or neck, but the tumor has not spread to remote areas of the body.
Stage 3 Cancer Symptoms
Symptoms of cancer stage 3 is variable, because stage 3 covers a broad spectrum of cancers. Symptoms of cancer in the s, such as persistent cough, shortness of breath, and recurrent infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis, are common.
Spread to areas like the chest wall and diaphragm can cause pain in the chest, ribs, shoulders and back. Tumors near the airways may cause hemoptysis (coughing blood), and wheezing. If the tumor area, as the esophagus and other chest structures, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and hoarseness may occur. Pain in the back, chest and ribs as a pleural effusion is commonly present, and this can cause shortness of breath increased.
Common symptoms of cancer, such as fatigue and weight loss may also be present.
Treatment Stage 3 Cancer
Treatment of stage 3 cancer is the most controversial of all stages of cancer, partly because this group is very varied. Because of poor survival, National Cancer Institute says that anyone with stage 3 cancer should be considered candidates for clinical trials - studies that evaluate new treatments or combinations of treatments for cancer.
At some stage 3A cases of cancer, surgery can be performed to remove the tumor, and usually followed by adjuvant chemotherapy (chemotherapy after surgery). In most cases, inoperable tumor. For those who are relatively healthy, the combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy or chemotherapy is often recommended. If the individual can not tolerate chemotherapy, radiation therapy can only be used to treat symptoms such as pain and treat shortness of breath.
Stage 3 Cancer Prognosis
5-year survival overall with cancer is 23% stage 3A, but can vary widely. 5-year survival with stage 3B cancer unfortunately only about 10%.
What Can I Do to help myself with Stage 3 Cancer?
Studies show that learning what you can about your cancer helps with the outcome. Questions. Involve your loved ones and encourage them to ask questions too. Consider participating in a support group. More information about clinical trials that may be suitable for your particular situation. Learn about cancer and treatment can go through a huge amount of time to complete. Ask and let your loved ones and friends to help and encourage you in your journey. Do not lose hope - even if that hope was just as comfortable as possible, while the company of your loved ones.
Stage 3 Cancer Survival rates
Stage 3 survival of cancer depends on treatment and physical condition of the patient, but the average stage 3 cancer rates varied 7-17 percent survival. The prognosis for cancer are generally poor, because the lifestyle of most patients after diagnosis.
The body has a system that controls the growth of new cells, cancer is a disease in which there is uncontrolled growth of cells in the tissue. These are known as tumor growth and most of the time, sense danger dangerous. Stage 3 survival of cancer is rather low, because of the evil nature of the tumor, which spread from the s early stages of development.
More than 1.5 million people suffer from cancer each year worldwide, and is one of the most common form of cancer. These figures are alarming because of the increasing number of people who consume tobacco. Smoking is considered one of the most difficult habit to give up and people affected by cancer find it hard to quit smoking, even after diagnosis. It also contributes to low life expectancy stage 3 cancer.
Stage 3 Cancer Prognosis
Many people do not realize that there are four different stages of cancer. Most people do not know that they have cancer until the later stages, the delay in diagnosis is a problem for timely treatment. Cough, blood in the mucus and chest pain are some symptoms of cancer that can be confused with symptoms of other diseases. In most cases, X-rays will reveal that a person suffering from cancer and mostly seen in people who smoke regularly, or those who come into contact with cigarette smoke.
Stage 3 survival of cancer depends on the physical condition of the people and line their treatment experience. In most cases, cancer causes the stage 3 4 stage which is fatal, life expectancy for many patients, an average of more than 5 years. Delay in diagnosis is one of the biggest contributors to poor survival in people with cancer.
Stage 3 is divided into two parts, the first half of the tumors confined to one part of the body and in the second half is known as an aggressive tumor stage 3B. For most patients in stage 3B, it is difficult to surgically remove the tumor and treatment is limited to radiation. The possibility of survival to 5-year low as 5:10 per cent.
Patients undergoing chemotherapy have a better chance of surviving if they have a healthy lifestyle. Survival prognosis of cancer is better for people with chemotherapy, because the percentage of persons belonging to five years is 15-20 percent. But these statistics are unreliable because they do not take into account the patient's genetics and lifestyle.
You want to know what to expect with stage 3 cancer, it is best to speak with the surgeon for his opinion. Because cancer is a terminal illness, patients can feel comfortable in the final stages of modern medicine. Medication to relieve pain and anxiety can help patients with cancer to live with some comfort in their final days. Stage 4 cancer survival rates are very low and the average survival is 8 months.
Environment, genetics and lifestyle are some of the participants in the survival of the stage 3 cancer, and modern medicine also plays an important role. If the patient is physically ready to take a broad treatment methods, such as chemotherapy and radiation in the illuminated life.
About 30% of people have stage 3 cancer at diagnosis, while the remaining 30% of individuals diagnosed at an early stage (stage 1 or stage 2 disease) and 40% had already done for 4 (metastatic) stage cancer from the time diagnosis.
Definition of Cancer Stage 3
stage 3 cancer is best described by separating the stages in the stage of stage 3A and 3B.
Stage 3A cancer, including tumors are large and have spread to nearby lymph nodes or tumor of any size that has spread to lymph nodes far away but still the same side of the body as the cancer.
Stage 3B cancer is defined as a tumor of any size that has spread to distant lymph nodes that have invaded other structures in the chest (such as heart or esophageal tumors in malignant pleural effusion. (Fluid build-up to build with cancer between the layers around s) that changes from stage 3B and stage 4 in 2009.
Oncologists use the TNM system to further determine the stage of cancer. A simplified description of the TNM system include:
T refers to tumor size:
T1 - Tumor is less than 3 cm (1 ½ inches) wide.
T2 tumors larger than 3 cm.
T3 - The tumor can be any size, but close to the air duct or has spread to local areas such as chest wall or diaphragm.
T4 - Tumor size, but in the airway or invade local structures like the heart, or esophagus.
N refers to lymph nodes:
N0 - no nodes are affected.
N1 - the cancer has spread to the nearest node on the same side of the body.
N2 - The tumor has spread to more distant nodes, but on the same side of the body.
N3 - The cancer cells are present in the lymph nodes on the other side of the chest tumor, or near the node collarbone or neck muscles.
M stands for metastatic disease:
M0 - no metastases are present.
M1 - The tumor has spread (metastasized) to other areas of the body or other .
Using the TNM system, stage 3A cancer as described:
T1N2M0 - Tumors less than 3 cm and has spread to distant lymph nodes, but on the same side of the body such as tumors.
T2N2M0 - Tumors larger than 3 centimeters and has spread to distant lymph nodes, but on the same side of the body.
T3N1M0 - Tumor size, but close the airway or local spread to areas like the chest wall or diaphragm, and nearby lymph nodes are affected.
T3N2M0 - Tumor size, but close the airway or local spread to areas like the chest wall or diaphragm, and lymph nodes far away, but on the same side of the body is affected.
Using the TNM system, stage 3B described as:
Any T, N3, M0 - A tumor of any size to lymph nodes on the other side of the breast tumor or nodes near the collarbone or neck muscles, but has not spread to distant areas of the body.
T4, any N, M0 - A tumor of any size, located in the airways, or have invaded local structures, such as heart or esophagus. Nodes may or may not be involved, and when it might be taken around the tumor or further away in the chest or neck, but the tumor has not spread to remote areas of the body.
Stage 3 Cancer Symptoms
Symptoms of cancer stage 3 is variable, because stage 3 covers a broad spectrum of cancers. Symptoms of cancer in the s, such as persistent cough, shortness of breath, and recurrent infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis, are common.
Spread to areas like the chest wall and diaphragm can cause pain in the chest, ribs, shoulders and back. Tumors near the airways may cause hemoptysis (coughing blood), and wheezing. If the tumor area, as the esophagus and other chest structures, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and hoarseness may occur. Pain in the back, chest and ribs as a pleural effusion is commonly present, and this can cause shortness of breath increased.
Common symptoms of cancer, such as fatigue and weight loss may also be present.
Treatment Stage 3 Cancer
Treatment of stage 3 cancer is the most controversial of all stages of cancer, partly because this group is very varied. Because of poor survival, National Cancer Institute says that anyone with stage 3 cancer should be considered candidates for clinical trials - studies that evaluate new treatments or combinations of treatments for cancer.
At some stage 3A cases of cancer, surgery can be performed to remove the tumor, and usually followed by adjuvant chemotherapy (chemotherapy after surgery). In most cases, inoperable tumor. For those who are relatively healthy, the combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy or chemotherapy is often recommended. If the individual can not tolerate chemotherapy, radiation therapy can only be used to treat symptoms such as pain and treat shortness of breath.
Stage 3 Cancer Prognosis
5-year survival overall with cancer is 23% stage 3A, but can vary widely. 5-year survival with stage 3B cancer unfortunately only about 10%.
What Can I Do to help myself with Stage 3 Cancer?
Studies show that learning what you can about your cancer helps with the outcome. Questions. Involve your loved ones and encourage them to ask questions too. Consider participating in a support group. More information about clinical trials that may be suitable for your particular situation. Learn about cancer and treatment can go through a huge amount of time to complete. Ask and let your loved ones and friends to help and encourage you in your journey. Do not lose hope - even if that hope was just as comfortable as possible, while the company of your loved ones.
Stage 3 Cancer Survival rates
Stage 3 survival of cancer depends on treatment and physical condition of the patient, but the average stage 3 cancer rates varied 7-17 percent survival. The prognosis for cancer are generally poor, because the lifestyle of most patients after diagnosis.
The body has a system that controls the growth of new cells, cancer is a disease in which there is uncontrolled growth of cells in the tissue. These are known as tumor growth and most of the time, sense danger dangerous. Stage 3 survival of cancer is rather low, because of the evil nature of the tumor, which spread from the s early stages of development.
More than 1.5 million people suffer from cancer each year worldwide, and is one of the most common form of cancer. These figures are alarming because of the increasing number of people who consume tobacco. Smoking is considered one of the most difficult habit to give up and people affected by cancer find it hard to quit smoking, even after diagnosis. It also contributes to low life expectancy stage 3 cancer.
Stage 3 Cancer Prognosis
Many people do not realize that there are four different stages of cancer. Most people do not know that they have cancer until the later stages, the delay in diagnosis is a problem for timely treatment. Cough, blood in the mucus and chest pain are some symptoms of cancer that can be confused with symptoms of other diseases. In most cases, X-rays will reveal that a person suffering from cancer and mostly seen in people who smoke regularly, or those who come into contact with cigarette smoke.
Stage 3 survival of cancer depends on the physical condition of the people and line their treatment experience. In most cases, cancer causes the stage 3 4 stage which is fatal, life expectancy for many patients, an average of more than 5 years. Delay in diagnosis is one of the biggest contributors to poor survival in people with cancer.
Stage 3 is divided into two parts, the first half of the tumors confined to one part of the body and in the second half is known as an aggressive tumor stage 3B. For most patients in stage 3B, it is difficult to surgically remove the tumor and treatment is limited to radiation. The possibility of survival to 5-year low as 5:10 per cent.
Patients undergoing chemotherapy have a better chance of surviving if they have a healthy lifestyle. Survival prognosis of cancer is better for people with chemotherapy, because the percentage of persons belonging to five years is 15-20 percent. But these statistics are unreliable because they do not take into account the patient's genetics and lifestyle.
You want to know what to expect with stage 3 cancer, it is best to speak with the surgeon for his opinion. Because cancer is a terminal illness, patients can feel comfortable in the final stages of modern medicine. Medication to relieve pain and anxiety can help patients with cancer to live with some comfort in their final days. Stage 4 cancer survival rates are very low and the average survival is 8 months.
Environment, genetics and lifestyle are some of the participants in the survival of the stage 3 cancer, and modern medicine also plays an important role. If the patient is physically ready to take a broad treatment methods, such as chemotherapy and radiation in the illuminated life.
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